Let's build something great together

My name is Matt and I love to write code.

Contact Matt

About Matt

Matt is a professional software engineer with a variety of experience designing, building, and supporting software projects in different roles. He knows what it takes to create high quality software solutions. Able to collaborate with engineers on different teams in to get the right skills for the best possible outcome.

Matt contributes to globally distributed companies that have employees and partners in different countries and timezones. Works successfully and effectively as a remote employee. Travels regularly to represent the company, train partners, or present at international conferences in the software industry.

Matt does not do much social media but you can check out the places that count:
MatthewBruzek @ LinkedIn
mbruzek @ GitHub
mbruzek @ Launchpad.net



Designed and created several software products for different companies. Added new features and use cases that enhanced and improved existing products.

Skilled at integrating open source products into software solutions to avoid reinventing the wheel.


Experience with the major public clouds including Amazon (AWS), Digital Ocean (DO), Google (GCE), and Microsoft Azure. Also familiar with on-premise clouds such as MAAS, OpenStack, and VMware.


Familiar with container technologies including LXD/LXC, Docker, and a contributor to the Kubernetes project.

For examples check out the portfolio section.





Please contact me if you are interested in collaborating on a project.
